Celebrating Matari’i: Tahitian New Year


It’s that time of year where we remember what we are thankful for, and in the middle of a pandemic we here are thankful for the tireless work of the health professionals who have been working on groundbreaking research and developed what looks like the three viable vaccines for Covid 19. The best-case scenario is that life will return to some form of normal by the middle of next year. This is great from a health perspective and from an economic recovery perspective as we have seen firsthand the effects that the reduction of tourism revenue has had on small local communities who relied heavily on tourism income.


It almost feels like the stars are aligning this week, which in Tahiti is exactly what is happening in a literal sense as Matari’i (the Pleiades cluster of stars) rises over the islands to welcome the beginning of a new season of abundance. The Tahitian calendar is divided into two season and is identified with the rising and setting of Matari’i. The reemergence of Matari’i is celebrated through song and dance. The fruits are at their juiciest and tastiest and brighten everything with their colors.


Here at Pacific Storytelling we are also thankful to work alongside local businesses in Tahiti who have a real focus on the culture and people of Tahiti and giving back to their communities. Tahiti Islands Travel is one such business which is based in Pape’ete. If you are looking to experience a little more of the culture and real meaning of the islands of Tahiti, then look no further.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to remember we are all the share in the human experience, and we have much to be thankful for.

For more info visit:

Tahiti Islands Travel

Matari’i Video

 Ancient Mythological account of Matari’I by Scholar by Teuira Henry.


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